I've been working on him at my portfolio class for the last few weeks and here he is :)
He is a candle holder. The weird thing is: when I came in last thursday to finish it, I noticed a table stacked up with santas like mine -with a hole to put in a candle and a bag of presents on his back.
Was my idea that much not original, that everybody thought of doing exactly the same one?
Weird wasn't it? :) It was after a few minutes of staring at these santas that I came up with a suspicion that they copied the idea from me. Of course thats what happened. My portfolio teacher backed it up. :)
So it turnes out that my idea WAS the oryginal one :D
Mój mikołaj skończony :]
Pracowałam nad nim przez ostatnie kilka tygodni na moich klasach 'portfolio' no i jest :)
Zrobiłam z niego coś w rodzaju świecznika. Można włożyć świeczkę do środka.
Pomysł juz został podpatrzony i w związku z tym powstało dużo więcej mikołajów podobnych do mojego, ale to nic ;) Fajnie że innym sie spodobał :D
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